label: Unifon Records
catalog#: U-06-200092
format: CD-R
country: Russia
released: 2006
packaging: jewel case

content: Garbage (1995), Milk (single, 1996), Version 2.0 (1998), I Think I'm Paranoid (european single, 1998), Special (european single, 1998), You Look So Fine (european single, 1999), The World Is Not Enough (single, 1999), Beautiful Garbage (2001), Androgyny (single, 2001), Bleed Like Me (2005), Why Do You Love Me (single, 2005), Sex Is Not The Enemey (single, 2005), Run Baby Run (single, 2005).

notes: Anthology MP3 CD-ROM.



I'm only happy when it rains - I'm only happy when it's complicated
And though I know you can't appreciate it - I'm only happy when it rains